Colexifications for "JUDGMENT" and "COURT"

Language Family Form for JUDGMENT Gloss for JUDGMENT Form for COURT Gloss for COURT
Latin Indo-European iūdicium judgment iūdicium court
Old Norse Indo-European dōmr judgment dōmr court
Old High German Indo-European ding-reht judgment dingreht court
Old High German Indo-European gi-rihte judgment gi-rihte court
Old High German Indo-European suona judgment suona court
Old High German Indo-European tuom judgment tuom court
Old High German Indo-European uber-teilida judgment uber-teilida court
Old High German Indo-European ur-teili judgment ur-teili court
Old High German Indo-European ur-teilida judgment ur-teilida court
Middle High German Indo-European gerihte judgment gerihte court
Middle High German Indo-European reht judgment reht court
Old Church Slavonic Indo-European sądŭ judgment sądŭ court
Romani Indo-European kris judgment kris court
Iraqw Afro-Asiatic kwasleema the judgment kwasleema the court
Kildin Saami Uralic sūdt the judgment sūdt the court
Selice Romani Indo-European bíróšágo the judgment bíróšágo the court