Colexifications for "CONCEIVE" and "THINK (BELIEVE)"

Language Family Form for CONCEIVE Gloss for CONCEIVE Form for THINK (BELIEVE) Gloss for THINK (BELIEVE)
Mari Uralic šo'naš conceive šo'naš think (= be of the opinion)
Udmurt Uralic malpanɩ conceive malpanɩ think (= be of the opinion)
Southern Tai (Songkhla variety) Tai-Kadai khit.4 conceive khit.4 think (= be of the opinion)
Thai (Korat variety) Tai-Kadai khit.4 conceive khit.4 think (= be of the opinion)
Khamuang (Chiang Mai variety) Tai-Kadai kɨt.7 conceive kɨt.7 think (= be of the opinion)
Bengali Indo-European bhābā conceive bhābā think (= be of the opinion)
Prai Austroasiatic kɨt conceive kɨt think (= be of the opinion)
Chong Austroasiatic khit.C conceive khit.C think (= be of the opinion)
KNB (a Pearic variety) Austroasiatic kɨt conceive kɨt think (= be of the opinion)
Surin Khmer Austroasiatic kɨt conceive kɨt think (= be of the opinion)