Colexifications for "BE BORN" and "BEGET"

Language Family Form for BE BORN Gloss for BE BORN Form for BEGET Gloss for BEGET
Udmurt Uralic piyanɩ born (to be) piyanɩ beget (of father)
Romanian Indo-European naşte born (to be) naşte beget (of father)
Old Irish Indo-European do-fuismim born (to be) do-fuismim beget (of father)
Old Norse Indo-European ala born (to be) ala beget (of father)
Old High German Indo-European giberan born (to be) giberan beget (of father)
Old High German Indo-European kindōn? born (to be) kindōn beget (of father)
Old Church Slavonic Indo-European roditi born (to be) roditi beget (of father)
Tocharian A Indo-European täm- born (to be) täm- beget (of father)
Tocharian B Indo-European täm- born (to be) täm- beget (of father)
Sanskrit Indo-European sū- sūyate born (to be) sū- sūyate beget (of father)
Yuwana Jodi-Saliban beibei born (to be) beibei beget (of father)
Avar (Hid dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian гьувуле born (to be) гьувуле beget (of father)
Andi (Muni dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian джулълъири born (to be) джулълъири beget (of father)
Avar (Salatav dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian гьавизе born (to be) гьавизе beget (of father)
Southern Tai (Songkhla variety) Tai-Kadai kə:t.4 born (to be) kə:t.4 beget (of father)
Thai (Korat variety) Tai-Kadai kɣ:t.3 born (to be) kɣ:t.3 beget (of father)
Khamuang (Chiang Mai variety) Tai-Kadai kɣ:t.3 born (to be) kɣ:t.3 beget (of father)
Maonan Tai-Kadai za:ŋ.4 born (to be) za:ŋ.4 beget (of father)
Mulam Tai-Kadai sɛŋ.1 born (to be) sɛŋ.1 beget (of father)
Hlai (Baoting variety) Tai-Kadai łou.1 born (to be) łou.1 beget (of father)
Tindi Nakh-Daghestanian игьилъʼа born (to be) игьилъʼа beget (of father)
Dargwa (Chirag dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian баркьи born (to be) баркьи beget (of father)
Lak (Shali dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian оьрчІ бан born (to be) оьрчІ бан beget (of father)
Lezgi (Mikrakh dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian хун born (to be) хун beget (of father)
Paliu Austroasiatic kət.55 born (to be) kət.55 beget (of father)
Cuoi Austroasiatic tɛ.243ʔ born (to be) tɛ.243ʔ beget (of father)
Iduh Austroasiatic kə̂:t born (to be) kə̂:t beget (of father)
Hausa Afro-Asiatic hàifáa to be born hàifáa to beget
Iraqw Afro-Asiatic laqwaal to be born laqwaal to beget
Kanuri Saharan nzàmbò to be born nzàmbò to beget