Colexifications for "LET GO OR SET FREE" and "DROP (SOMETHING)"

Language Family Form for LET GO OR SET FREE Gloss for LET GO OR SET FREE Form for DROP (SOMETHING) Gloss for DROP (SOMETHING)
Ancient Greek Indo-European a'pʰiēmi release, let go a'pʰiēmi drop (vb)
Panare Cariban -ɨpɨnka- release, let go -ɨpɨnka- drop (vb)
Welsh Indo-European gollwng release, let go gollwng drop (vb)
Yiddish Indo-European oplozn release, let go oplozn drop (vb)
Bulgarian Indo-European púskam release, let go púskam drop (vb)
Bulgarian Indo-European púsna release, let go púsna drop (vb)
Bulgarian Indo-European púštam release, let go púštam drop (vb)
Serbo-Croatian Indo-European pustiti release, let go pustiti drop (vb)
Albanian (Tosk variety) Indo-European lʸə'šon release, let go lʸə'šon drop (vb)
Chiriguano Tupian poi release, let go poi drop (vb)
Guaraní Tupian poi release, let go poi drop (vb)
Kali'na Cariban nonta to let go nonta to drop
Lower Sorbian Indo-European pušćiś to let go pušćiś to drop
Otomi Otomanguean he̲gi to let go hegi to drop
Selice Romani Indo-European muken to let go muken to drop
Wichí Matacoan ileyej to let go ileyej to drop