Colexifications for "THUNDER" and "BOLT (OF LIGHTNING)"

Language Family Form for THUNDER Gloss for THUNDER Form for BOLT (OF LIGHTNING) Gloss for BOLT (OF LIGHTNING)
Estonian Uralic pikne thunder pikne lightning (as striking)
Northern Saami Uralic bɑyan thunder bɑyan lightning (as striking)
Lezgian (Quba dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian цІайлапан thunder цІайлапан lightning (as striking)
Azerbaijani (Terekeme dialect) Turkic илдырым thunder илдырым lightning (as striking)
Middle English Indo-European thonder thunder thonder lightning (as striking)
Bulgarian Indo-European grəm thunder grəm lightning (as striking)
Serbo-Croatian Indo-European grom thunder grom lightning (as striking)
Polish Indo-European grom thunder grom lightning (as striking)
Polish Indo-European piorun thunder piorun lightning (as striking)
Romani Indo-European ʀondžeto thunder ʀondžeto lightning (as striking)
Basque Basque ü̃h'ülgü thunder ü̃h'ülgü lightning (as striking)
Yavitero Arawakan iye enu thunder iye enu lightning (as striking)
Tsakhur Nakh-Daghestanian гурулдав thunder гурулдав lightning (as striking)
Hup Nadahup pæ̃y the thunder pæ̃y the bolt of lightning
Japanese Japonic kaminari the thunder kaminari the bolt of lightning
Q'eqchi' Mayan kaaq the thunder kaaq the bolt of lightning
Yaqui Uto-Aztecan yuku jimaari the thunder yuku jimaari the bolt of lightning
Zinacantán Tzotzil Mayan chauk the thunder chauk the bolt of lightning