Language | Family | Form for THUNDER | Gloss for THUNDER | Form for BOLT (OF LIGHTNING) | Gloss for BOLT (OF LIGHTNING) |
Estonian | Uralic | pikne | thunder | pikne | lightning (as striking) |
Northern Saami | Uralic | bɑyan | thunder | bɑyan | lightning (as striking) |
Lezgian (Quba dialect) | Nakh-Daghestanian | цІайлапан | thunder | цІайлапан | lightning (as striking) |
Azerbaijani (Terekeme dialect) | Turkic | илдырым | thunder | илдырым | lightning (as striking) |
Middle English | Indo-European | thonder | thunder | thonder | lightning (as striking) |
Bulgarian | Indo-European | grəm | thunder | grəm | lightning (as striking) |
Serbo-Croatian | Indo-European | grom | thunder | grom | lightning (as striking) |
Polish | Indo-European | grom | thunder | grom | lightning (as striking) |
Polish | Indo-European | piorun | thunder | piorun | lightning (as striking) |
Romani | Indo-European | ʀondžeto | thunder | ʀondžeto | lightning (as striking) |
Basque | Basque | ü̃h'ülgü | thunder | ü̃h'ülgü | lightning (as striking) |
Yavitero | Arawakan | iye enu | thunder | iye enu | lightning (as striking) |
Tsakhur | Nakh-Daghestanian | гурулдав | thunder | гурулдав | lightning (as striking) |
Hup | Nadahup | pæ̃y | the thunder | pæ̃y | the bolt of lightning |
Japanese | Japonic | kaminari | the thunder | kaminari | the bolt of lightning |
Q'eqchi' | Mayan | kaaq | the thunder | kaaq | the bolt of lightning |
Yaqui | Uto-Aztecan | yuku jimaari | the thunder | yuku jimaari | the bolt of lightning |
Zinacantán Tzotzil | Mayan | chauk | the thunder | chauk | the bolt of lightning |
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