Colexifications for "FATHER" and "FATHER-IN-LAW (OF MAN)"

Language Family Form for FATHER Gloss for FATHER Form for FATHER-IN-LAW (OF MAN) Gloss for FATHER-IN-LAW (OF MAN)
Tongan Austronesian tamai father tamai father-in-law (of a man)
Maonan Tai-Kadai tɛ.2 father tɛ.2 father-in-law (of a man)
Mulam Tai-Kadai pu.4 father pu.4 father-in-law (of a man)
Lakkia Tai-Kadai pɛ.5 father pɛ.5 father-in-law (of a man)
Lakkia Tai-Kadai su.5 father su.5 father-in-law (of a man)
Rumai Austroasiatic kun.55 father kun.55 father-in-law (of a man)
Paliu Austroasiatic ʔui.33 father ui.33 father-in-law (of a man)
Iraqw Afro-Asiatic baabá the father baaba the father-in-law (of a man)
White Hmong Hmong-Mien txiv (1) the father txiv (1) the father-in-law (of a man)