Colexifications for "HEALTHY" and "BE ALIVE OR LIFE"

Language Family Form for HEALTHY Gloss for HEALTHY Form for BE ALIVE OR LIFE Gloss for BE ALIVE OR LIFE
Hawaiian Austronesian ola well, health ola live, living, life
Maori Austronesian ora well, health ora live, living, life
Marquesan Austronesian pohué pohoé well, health pohué pohoé live, living, life
Rapa Nui Austronesian ora well, health ora live, living, life
Ninam (Shirishana variety) Yanomamic temi well, health temi live, living, life
Yanomámi Yanomamic temɨ well, health temɨ live, living, life
Dargwa (Kadar dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian арай well, health арай live, living, life
Rutul (Borchino Khnow dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian сагъды well, health сагъды live, living, life
Kumyk Turkic сав well, health сав live, living, life