Colexifications for "SIT" and "BE ALIVE"

Language Family Form for SIT Gloss for SIT Form for BE ALIVE Gloss for BE ALIVE
Mithaka Pama-Nyungan kuli sit kuli live/be alive
Kamang, Atoitaa Timor-Alor-Pantar nih sit nih live; be alive; living
rGyalrong (Jinchuan Guaninqiao Wobzi) Sino-Tibetan rjê sit, stay (v) rjê live (v)
rGyalrong (Maerkang Soman) Sino-Tibetan ka-ȵi sit, stay (v) ka-ȵi live (v)
Manchu Tungusic tʰɤmpi sit tʰɤmpi live
Sakha Turkic oloɾ sit oloɾ live