Colexifications for "COUSIN" and "YOUNGER SISTER"

Language Family Form for COUSIN Gloss for COUSIN Form for YOUNGER SISTER Gloss for YOUNGER SISTER
Mansi Uralic esʸ cousin esʸ younger sister
Mari Uralic šü'žar̃ cousin šü'žar̃ younger sister
Polci Afro-Asiatic waas cousin waas younger sister
Maori Austronesian teina cousin teina younger sister
Rotuman Austronesian sɔsiŋa cousin sɔsiŋa younger sister
Cashibo Pano-Tacanan ũči cousin ũči younger sister
Lengua Lengua-Mascoy -yaɬiŋ cousin -yaɬiŋ younger sister
Tibetan Sino-Tibetan nu mo cousin nu mo younger sister
LiHa Austroasiatic ʔɛ:m.33 cousin ʔɛ:m.33 younger sister
Sakha Turkic balɨs the cousin balɨs the younger sister
Swahili Atlantic-Congo ndugu the cousin ndugu the younger sister