Colexifications for "FISHING LINE" and "ROPE"

Language Family Form for FISHING LINE Gloss for FISHING LINE Form for ROPE Gloss for ROPE
Bezhta Nakh-Daghestanian кІигьмат fishing line кІигьмат rope, cord
Portuguese Indo-European corda fishing line corda rope, cord
Old High German Indo-European seil? fishing line seil rope, cord
Old High German Indo-European snuor? fishing line snuor rope, cord
Bulgarian Indo-European vrə́v fishing line vrə́v rope, cord
Karok Karok ʔá̄n fishing line ʔá̄n rope, cord
Maori Austronesian aho fishing line aho rope, cord
Colorado Barbacoan si'li fishing line si'li rope, cord
Puinave Puinave dɨt-ot fishing line dɨt-ot rope, cord
Cofán Cofán 'sĩbaʔΦa fishing line 'sĩbaʔ-Φa rope, cord
Nivaclé Matacoan niyɔk fishing line -niyɔk rope, cord
Mlabri Austroasiatic tar fishing line tar rope, cord
Bezhta Nakh-Daghestanian k’ihmat the fishing line k’ihmat the rope
Q'eqchi' Mayan k’aam the fishing line k’aam the rope