Colexifications for "THRESHING-FLOOR" and "YARD"

Language Family Form for THRESHING-FLOOR Gloss for THRESHING-FLOOR Form for YARD Gloss for YARD
Zhuang-Longzhou Tai-Kadai ti.6 ta:ŋ.2 threshing-floor ti.6 ta:ŋ.2 yard, court
Samre Austroasiatic la:n.C threshing-floor la:n.C yard, court
KNB (a Pearic variety) Austroasiatic li:ən threshing-floor li:ən yard, court
Surin Khmer Austroasiatic li:ən threshing-floor li:ən yard, court
Iraqw Afro-Asiatic afeeni the threshing-floor afeeni the yard or court