Colexifications for "CHIEFTAIN" and "MASTER"

Language Family Form for CHIEFTAIN Gloss for CHIEFTAIN Form for MASTER Gloss for MASTER
Khanty Uralic kəsʸa chief, chieftain kəsʸa master
Mansi Uralic kusʸay chief, chieftain kusʸay master
Nenets Uralic yer̃w chief, chieftain yer̃w master
Tocharian A Indo-European nātäk chief, chieftain nātäk master
Tocharian B Indo-European saswe chief, chieftain saswe master
Sanskrit Indo-European īšvara- chief, chieftain īšvara- master
Sanskrit Indo-European pati- chief, chieftain pati- master
Ancient Aramaic Afro-Asiatic rabbā chief, chieftain rabbā master
Basque Basque 'nauṣi chief, chieftain 'nauṣi master
Chatino (Zacatepec variety) Otomanguean šʔnã chief, chieftain šʔnã master
Maori Austronesian raŋatira chief, chieftain raŋatira master
Tongan Austronesian taki chief, chieftain taki master
Cofán Cofán naʔsɨ chief, chieftain nasɨ master
Yavitero Arawakan minaľi chief, chieftain minaľi master
Sirionó Tupian ererekʷa chief, chieftain ererekʷa master
Sanapaná (Enlhet dialect) Lengua-Mascoy apweskeʔ chief, chieftain apweskeʔ master
Lengua Lengua-Mascoy wiši chief, chieftain wiši master
Bondei2 Atlantic-Congo zumbe chief zumbe master
Embu Atlantic-Congo mUnene chief mUnene master
Kamba_kitu Atlantic-Congo mUnene chief mUnene master
Kikuyu Atlantic-Congo mUnene chief mUnene master
Kimbunga Atlantic-Congo bambu chief bambu master
Kipogoro Atlantic-Congo mtuwa chief mtuwa master
Mabia Atlantic-Congo nang'olo chief, headman nang'olo master
Mbunga Atlantic-Congo bambu chief bambu master
Meruimenti Atlantic-Congo munene chief, headman munene master
Merutig Atlantic-Congo munene chief munene master
Pogoro Atlantic-Congo mtuwa chief mtuwa master
Shubi Atlantic-Congo umutwaale chief, headman umutwaale master
Yao Atlantic-Congo mweenye chief, headman mweenye master
Zigua Atlantic-Congo zumbe chief zumbe master
Otomi Otomanguean hmu the chieftain hmu the master
Otomi Otomanguean ndä (2) the chieftain ndä (2) the master
Sakha Turkic toyon the chieftain toyon the master