Language | Family | Form for PONCHO | Gloss for PONCHO | Form for BLANKET | Gloss for BLANKET |
Chatino (Zacatepec variety) | Otomanguean | teʔ kičãʔ | poncho | teʔ kičā̃ | blanket |
Aguaruna | Chicham | punču | poncho | punču | blanket |
Guaraní | Tupian | ahoǰa | poncho | ahoǰa | blanket |
Otomi | Otomanguean | däx’yo | the poncho | däx'yo | the blanket |
Otomi | Otomanguean | mänta | the poncho | mänta | the blanket |
Q'eqchi' | Mayan | isb’ | the poncho | isb’ | the blanket |
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