Colexifications for "HAY" and "PLANT (VEGETATION)"

Language Family Form for HAY Gloss for HAY Form for PLANT (VEGETATION) Gloss for PLANT (VEGETATION)
Khanty Uralic tur̃n hay tur̃n plant (noun)
Chatino (Zacatepec variety) Otomanguean kišĩ hay kišĩʔ plant (noun)
Avar (Hid dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian хер hay хер plant (noun)
Mosetén Mosetén-Chimané 'kœti hay kœ'ti plant (noun)
Rutul (Mukhrek) dialect Nakh-Daghestanian укь hay укь plant (noun)
Tabasaran (Southern dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian укІ hay укІ plant (noun)
Bezhta Nakh-Daghestanian box the hay box the plant