Colexifications for "CUT DOWN" and "DROP (SOMETHING)"

Language Family Form for CUT DOWN Gloss for CUT DOWN Form for DROP (SOMETHING) Gloss for DROP (SOMETHING)
German Indo-European fällen cut down fallen drop (vb)
Albanian (Tosk variety) Indo-European r̃ə'zon cut down r̃ə'zon drop (vb)
Seri Seri -xit cut down -xīt drop (vb)
Zuni Zuni ʔiteha- cut down ʔiteha- drop (vb)
Mosetén Mosetén-Chimané 'hoʔčãĩ cut down hõ'čai drop (vb)
Gawwada Afro-Asiatic puʕas to cut down puʕas to drop
Lower Sorbian Indo-European pušćiś to cut down pušćiś to drop
Old High German Indo-European fellen to cut down fellen to drop