Colexifications for "PRICE" and "WAGES"

Language Family Form for PRICE Gloss for PRICE Form for WAGES Gloss for WAGES
Erzya Mordvin Uralic pitʸnʸe price pitʸnʸe wages
Sanskrit Indo-European mūlya- price mūlya- wages
Maori Austronesian utu price utu wages
Ninam (Shirishana variety) Yanomamic noa price noa wages
Wapishana Arawakan -winipʰinaa price -winipʰinaa wages
Waurá Arawakan -pete price -pete wages
Wayampi Tupian pɨɨ price pɨɨ wages
Pilagá Guaicuruan l-asoʔwi price l-asoʔwi wages
Naxi (Yongning) Sino-Tibetan ɑ³³phu³³ price ɑ³³phu³³ wages
Hup Nadahup mæ̌y the price mæ̌y the wages
Kali'na Cariban epetɨ the price epetɨ the wages
Zinacantán Tzotzil Mayan tohol the price tohol the wages