Colexifications for "DESTROY" and "DAMAGE"

Language Family Form for DESTROY Gloss for DESTROY Form for DAMAGE Gloss for DAMAGE
Adyghe Abkhaz-Adyge qʷəˈtan destroy qʷətan damage
Chechen Nakh-Daghestanian doxo destroy doxo damage
Evenki Tungusic sukt͡ʃamiː destroy sukt͡ʃamiː damage
Komi-Permyak Uralic pazdɨnɨ destroy pazdɨnɨ damage
Northern Mansi Uralic χot-sakʷataŋkʷʲe destroy χot-sakʷataŋkʷʲe damage
Northern Pashto Indo-European wrɑnaˈwəl destroy wrɑnaˈwəl damage
Sakha Turkic alɟat destroy alɟat damage
Northern Sami Uralic piliðih destroy piliðih damage
Kalmyk Mongolic ewtɛxɛ destroy ewtɛxɛ damage
Otomi Otomanguean ts'oni to destroy ts'oni to damage
Otomi Otomanguean xa̲ni to destroy xa̲ni to damage
Thai Tai-Kadai thamlaay to destroy thamlaay to damage