Colexifications for "CATCH" and "TOUCH"

Language Family Form for CATCH Gloss for CATCH Form for TOUCH Gloss for TOUCH
Zuni Zuni yate- catch (ball) yate- touch
Ayoreo Zamucoan i'saaʔ catch (ball) i'saaʔ touch
Khamuang (Chiang Mai variety) Tai-Kadai ńup.6 catch (ball) ńup.6 touch
Mlabri Austroasiatic toc catch (ball) toc touch
Samre Austroasiatic chap.A catch (ball) chap.A touch
Chong Austroasiatic chap.A catch (ball) chap.A touch
Archi Nakh-Daghestanian sas to catch sːas to touch
Selice Romani Indo-European astaren to catch astaren to touch
Yaqui Uto-Aztecan bwise to catch bwise to touch