Colexifications for "END (OF TIME)" and "CEASE"

Language Family Form for END (OF TIME) Gloss for END (OF TIME) Form for CEASE Gloss for CEASE
Azerbaijani (Terekeme dialect) Turkic битирмаг end (temporal) битирмаг cease, stop
Hittite Indo-European zinna- end (temporal) zinna- cease, stop
Andi (Muni dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian булIоту end (temporal) булIоту cease, stop
Ossetic Indo-European кæрон кæнын end (temporal) кæрон кæнын cease, stop
Andi Nakh-Daghestanian булІоллу end (temporal) булІоллу cease, stop
Hinuq Nakh-Daghestanian лъакъера end (temporal) лъакъера cease, stop
Botlikh (Miarso dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian булълъай end (temporal) булълъай cease, stop
Chamalal Nakh-Daghestanian бетІва̄ла end (temporal) бетІва̄ла cease, stop
Chamalal Nakh-Daghestanian къотІда̄ла end (temporal) къотІда̄ла cease, stop
Lezgi (Mikrakh dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian куьтйагьун end (temporal) куьтйагьун cease, stop
Ket Yeniseian binaʁut the end(2) binaʁut to cease
Saramaccan Indo-European kabá the end(2) kabá to cease