Colexifications for "YOUNG MAN" and "SON"

Language Family Form for YOUNG MAN Gloss for YOUNG MAN Form for SON Gloss for SON
Avar Nakh-Daghestanian вас young man (adolescent) вас son
Albanian (Tosk variety) Indo-European 'dyalʸə young man (adolescent) 'dyalʸə son
Romani Indo-European raklo young man (adolescent) raklo son
Romani Indo-European šʸav young man (adolescent) šʸav son
Romani Indo-European šʸavo young man (adolescent) šʸavo son
Nahuatl (Sierra de Zacapoaxtla variety) Uto-Aztecan itelpoč young man (adolescent) i-telpoč son
Gününa Küne Puelche agač young man (adolescent) agač son
Chechen (Akkin dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian кІант young man (adolescent) кІант son
Avar (Khunzakh dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian вас young man (adolescent) вас son
Tsova-Tush Nakh-Daghestanian вохь young man (adolescent) вохь son
Kumyk Turkic улан young man (adolescent) улан son
Pear Austroasiatic kɔn a`liaŋ young man (adolescent) kɔn a`liaŋ son
Otomi Otomanguean metsi the young man metsi the son
Otomi Otomanguean ts'u̲nt'u̲ the young man ts'u̲nt'u̲ the son
Sakha Turkic uol the young man uol the son
Selice Romani Indo-European čhá the young man čhá the son