Colexifications for "ARCH" and "BOW"

Language Family Form for ARCH Gloss for ARCH Form for BOW Gloss for BOW
Ancient Greek Indo-European 'tokson arch 'tokson bow
Latin Indo-European arcus arch arcus bow
Italian Indo-European arco arch arco bow
Spanish Indo-European arco arch arco bow
Catalan Indo-European arc arch arc bow
Portuguese Indo-European arco arch arco bow
Danish Indo-European bue arch bue bow
Old English Indo-European boga arch boga bow
Dutch Indo-European boog arch boog bow
Old High German Indo-European biugo arch biugo bow
Old High German Indo-European bogo arch bogo bow
German Indo-European Bogen arch Bogen bow
Yiddish Indo-European bojgn arch bojgn bow
Serbo-Croatian Indo-European luk arch luk bow
Albanian (Tosk variety) Indo-European hark arch hark bow
Basque Basque 'arkü arch 'arkü bow
Hausa Afro-Asiatic baka arch baka bow
Polci Afro-Asiatic məəm arch məəm bow
Chatino (Zacatepec variety) Otomanguean kilʸa arch kilʸa bow
Ese Ejja (Huarayo) Pano-Tacanan e-koi-xi arch e-koi-xi bow
Ayoreo Zamucoan 'dok-oohi arch 'dok-oo'hi bow
Punjabi Indo-European kamānā arch kamāna bow
Hausa Afro-Asiatic bàkáa the arch bàkáa the bow
Kanuri Saharan kábbì the arch kábbí the bow
Old High German Indo-European bogo the arch bogo the bow
Otomi Otomanguean nsä'mi the arch nsä'mi the bow
Romanian Indo-European arc the arch arc the bow
Seychelles Creole Indo-European lark the arch lark the bow
Tarifiyt Berber Afro-Asiatic řqəws the arch řqəws the bow