Colexifications for "WORLD" and "SKY"

Language Family Form for WORLD Gloss for WORLD Form for SKY Gloss for SKY
Yuwana Jodi-Saliban ʰkʸo world ʰkʸo sky
Archi (variety 2) Nakh-Daghestanian дунил world дунил sky
Alorese, Ternate Austronesian laŋi Earth laŋi sky
Mansim Hatam-Mansim wamap Earth wamap sky
Nanai Tungusic bɔa world bɔa sky
Northern Khanty Uralic turam world turam sky
Tundra Nenets Uralic numʔ world numʔ sky
Archi Nakh-Daghestanian dunil the world dunil the sky