CLICS Form | Concept | Form in source | Gloss in source |
aahi | CHILI PEPPER | aʔahí | chili pepper |
aakahe | GIVE | aʔakáhe | give |
aanapiteewahi | LOWER ARM | aʔanapíteʔewahi | lower arm |
aapita | WASH | aʔapitá | wash |
aapu | OTHER | aapú | other |
aawana | TREE | aʔawaná | tree |
aawanaiima | BARK | aʔawaná íima | bark |
aawanapana | LEAF | aʔawaná paná | tree leaf |
aaxnare | THERE | aʔaxnáre | there |
ahakahe | FLY (MOVE THROUGH AIR) | ahákahe | fly |
ahnookahe | SQUEEZE | ahɲoʔokahe | tighten, squeeze |
akookaho | FLOW | akoʔokáho | flow |
amaakahe | SMELL (PERCEIVE) | amaʔakáhe | smell |
amakahe | SEE | amákahe | see |
amaniju | COTTON | amanijú | cotton |
anaahori | FISHHOOK | anaʔahóri | fish hook |
aniju | MOSQUITO | anijú | mosquito |
apaawelo | OTHER | apaʔawélo | other |
aparakahe | RIPE | aparákahe | ripe |
apatuxme | OTTER | apatuxmé | otter |
aphookahe | BLOW (OF WIND) | apʰoʔokáhe | blow |
apije | COLLARED PECCARY | apijé | collared peccary |
apijewanakujari | WHITE-LIPPED PECCARY | apijé wanakújari | white-lipped peccary |
atanikahe | SING | ataníkahe | sing |
atsina | MALE | aʧiʔɲá | male |
atsina | MAN | aʧiɲá | man |
au | WITH | aú | with |
awaa | NEAR | awaʔá | near |
awihi | SALIVA | áwihi | saliva |
axmaakahe | BITE | axmaʔakáhe | bite |
axnakahe | EAT | axnákáhe | eat |
axrakahe | FLY (MOVE THROUGH AIR) | axrákahe | fly |
ee | IF | ee | if |
ehaawa | BUSH | ehaʔawá | bush |
exwehi | EGG | exwéhi | egg |
forsale | HAMMOCK | for sale | hammock |
grande | HAMMOCK | grande | hammock |
haakaho | FALL | haʔakáho | fall |
haapakahe | WALK | haʔapákahe | walk |
haaparehi | ROOT | haʔapárehi | root |
haara | TURTLE | háara | river turtle |
hamaka | HAMMOCK | hamaká | hammock |
hamuuna | FLY (INSECT) | hamuʔuná | fly |
haraakahe | PUSH | haraʔakáhe | push |
hareni | WHITE | haréni | white |
heema | TAPIR | héema | tapir |
heetsu | SKY | heʔeʧú | sky |
heing | SNAKE | heíŋ | snake |
hemaakahe | HEAR | hemaʔakáhe | hear |
henakahe | SWELL | henákahe | swell |
hepookahe | TIE | hepoʔokáhe | tie |
hetahi | HAMMOCK | hetáhi | hammock |
hewani | YELLOW | hewáni | yellow |
hiina | FISH | híiɲa | fish |
hiipa | RAPIDS | híipa | rapids |
hiipa | STONE | híipa | stone |
hiiri | RAT | hiirí | rat |
hiiri | MOUSE | hiirí | mouse |
hiita | CANOE | híita | canoe |
hilahi | FAT (FROM ANIMALS) | hiláhi | grease, animal fat |
himitsi | GRASS | himíʧi | grass |
himuu | HOWLER MONKEY | hímuʔu | howler monkey |
hipihi | TAIL | hipíhi | tail |
hipuuhma | PIRANHA | hipuʔuhmá | piranha |
hitsi | HAIR (BODY) | hiʧí | body hair |
hookahe | PIERCE | hoʔokáhe | pierce |
hukaho | FAR | hukáho | far |
hulahi | BELLY | huláhi | belly |
hulahi | STOMACH | huláhi | stomach |
huniwahjahena | PARAKEET | huniwáhjáhena | parakeet |
hupahi | CLAW OR NAIL | hupáhi | fingernail, claw |
hupitsumi | OLD MAN | hupiʧúmi | old |
huuni | RIVER | húuni | river |
huuni | WATER | húuni | water |
huunihaako | RAIN (PRECIPITATION) | húuni haʔakó | rain |
huunihalomi | SEA | húuni halómi | sea |
huunisuwakaala | CLOUD | húuni suwákaʔala | clouds at rest |
huunisuwakaala | STORM CLOUDS | húuni suwákaʔala | storm clouds |
huunitakaatakanami | ICE | húuni takaʔátakanami | ice |
ihihila | ARROW | ihihíla | arrow |
ihitu | CHIGGOE (JIGGER FLEA) | ihitú | chiggoe, jigger flea |
iihi | NAME | iíhi | name |
iihi | FLESH OR MEAT | iʔíhi | flesh |
iihnepitsihi | INTESTINES | iʔihɲepiʧíhi | intestines |
iika | SAP | iiká | sap |
iikha | YOU | iikʰá | you (plural) |
iile | THIS | iilé | this |
iimakanahi | CHIEFTAIN | iʔimakánahi | chief |
iimihi | FLESH OR MEAT | iʔímihi | flesh |
iipu | TURTLE | iipú | river turtle |
iirakahe | DRINK | iʔirakáhe | drink |
iisa | SMOKE (EXHAUST) | íisa | smoke |
iiwapakahe | SWIM | iʔiwapakáhe | swim |
iiwawihi | HORN (ANATOMY) | iʔiwáwihi | horn |
ijama | TWO | ijamá | two |
ijamateelakeele | TEN | ijamá téʔela kéele | ten |
ijari | TORTOISE | ijári | tortoise |
ikii | MANY | íkiʔi | many |
ilere | THAT | ilére | that |
imaani | HOT | imaʔaní | hot |
Huber, R. Q. and Reed, R. B. 1992. Vocabulario comparativo: palabras selectas de lenguas indígenas de Colombia [Comparative vocabulary. Selected words from the indigeneous languages of Columbia]. Santafé de Bogota: Asociatión Instituto Lingüístico de Verano.