CLICS Form | Concept | Form in source | Gloss in source |
agaano | OTHER | agaˈano | other |
aiai | YOUNGER BROTHER | aiˈai | younger brother |
akaaka | OLDER SISTER | akaˈaka | older sister |
akaaka | OLDER BROTHER | akaˈaka | older brother |
alo | DAY (24 HOURS) | alo | day |
ama | FATHER | ama | father |
amara | ANGRY | amara | angry |
ambe | OPEN | aᵐbe | open |
amea | ONE | amea | one |
ana | THIS | ana | this |
ana | CHILD | ana | child |
ane | IF | ane | if |
antagi | WAIT (FOR) | aⁿtagi | wait |
apa | MAT | apa | mat |
api | FIRE | api | fire |
atsu | THAT | aᶮt͡ʃu | that |
au | DOG | au | dog |
badha | BODY | badha | body |
bae | COOKED RICE | ɓae | cooked rice |
bae | RICE PLANT | ɓae | rice plant |
bae | RICE | ɓae | husked rice; uncooked rice |
baga | CHEEK | ɓaga | cheek |
baho | BATHE (SOMEONE) | ɓaho | bathe (a child) |
bahu | SHOULDER | ɓahu | shoulder |
baka | SWELL | baᵑka | swell |
baka | CANOE | ɓaᵑka | canoe |
bake | HEART | ɓake | heart |
balo | ANSWER | ɓalo | answer |
balu | BUY | ɓalu | buy |
bangu | WAKE UP | ɓaŋu | wake up |
bangu | WAKE UP (SOMEONE) | ɓaŋu | wake someone up |
batsua | SLAVE | ɓat͡ʃua | slave |
batsuhawu | LIME (MATERIAL) | ɓat͡ʃuhawu | lime |
bau | VAGINA | bau | vagina |
bebe | HIT | ɓeɓe | hit |
belo | TURN | belo | turn |
bibito | LIGHTNING | ɓiɓito | lightning |
boba | DOOR | ɓoɓa | door |
boba | MOUTH | ɓoɓa | mouth |
boke | TIE | ɓoke | tie |
botaa | LAUGH | ɓotaˈa | laugh |
bua | FALL | bua | fall (from above) |
buea | CROCODILE | buea | crocodile |
buku | BONE | buku | bone |
bukunokakara | RIB | bukuno_kakara | rib |
bulo | BAMBOO | bulo | bamboo |
buntou | FOREST | buⁿtou | forest |
buroto | MOSQUITO | buroto | mosquito |
dama | BAMBOO | dama | bamboo |
dana | THATCH | dana | thatch; reed or grass used for making roofs |
dapura | OVEN | dapura | hearth |
dawuaso | GIVE | dawu+aso | give |
deu | NEEDLE (FOR SEWING) | deu | needle |
ela | TONGUE | ela | tongue |
ende | FOREHEAD | eⁿde | forehead |
gara | SALT | gara | salt |
gawu | FOG | gawu | fog |
gigisi | WIPE | gigisi | wipe |
gogoampu | SHORT | gogoaᵐpu | short (objects or people) |
gola | SUGAR | gola | sugar |
gunu | MOUNTAIN | gunu | mountain |
hae | CHIN | hae | chin |
hagari | FLOOR | hagari | floor |
haka | WALK | haᵑka | walk |
hake | THAT | hake | that |
haleo | THIS | haleo | this |
hanowia | YESTERDAY | hanowia | yesterday |
haroa | IN FRONT OF | haroa | in front of |
hate | LIVER | hate | liver |
hato | THATCH OR ROOF | hato | roof (thatched) |
hatsi | SWEAT (SUBSTANCE) | haᶮt͡ʃi | sweat |
hatsu | HUNDRED | hat͡ʃu | one hundred |
hau | SMOKE (EXHAUST) | hau | smoke |
hawa | BELLY OR STOMACH | hawa | stomach; belly |
hela | PULL | hela | pull |
holeo | DAY (24 HOURS) | holeo | day |
holeo | SUN | holeo | sun |
hone | SAND | hone | sand |
hora | SIT | hora | sit |
hora | DWELL (LIVE, RESIDE) | hora | dwell; live; stay |
hula | FACE | hula | face |
i | AT | i | at |
ikita | WE (INCLUSIVE) | iᵑkita | 1pl incl |
impae | WHERE | iᵐpaˈe | where? |
ina | MOTHER | ina | mother |
inaposanau | FATHER'S SISTER | inaposanau | father's sister |
indee | WHO | iⁿdeˈe | who? |
ine | THIS | ine | this |
inte | GO | iⁿte | go |
isa | FISH | isa | fish |
isami | WE (EXCLUSIVE) | isami | 1pl excl |
ise | ONE | ise | one |
isi | MEAT | isi | flesh; meat |
ita | SEE | ita | see |
itsu | THAT | iᶮt͡ʃu | that |
kaana | HOUSE | kaˈana | house |
kaawo | GRASS | kaˈawo | grass; brush |
kaboa | HEAVY | kaɓoa | heavy |
kabulu | COCONUT SHELL LADLE | kabulu | coconut shell |
kabuto | ROTTEN | kabuto | rotten |
Gereon Kaiping, Owen Edwards, & Marian Klamer. (2019). LexiRumah 3.0.0 (Version v3.0.0) [Data set]. Zenodo.