CLICS Form | Concept | Form in source | Gloss in source |
KNEAD | ! | knead | |
aha | HERE | aha | here |
ahantu | PLACE (POSITION) | ahantu | place |
ahi | NEAR | ahi | near |
aitu | OUR | -aitu | our(s) |
akabira | BUSH | akabira | bush |
akaiga | STREAM | akaiga | brook, stream |
akajirita | RAZOR | akajirita | razor |
akajuekiju | HUT | akaju ekiju | hut |
akamiina | CENTIPEDE | akamiina | centipede |
akangarateete | SKY | akangarateete | light, sky |
akasa | GAZELLE | akasa | Grant's gazelle |
akataterwanjura | CHEST | akataterwa njura | chest (of animals and birds) |
amaalwa | BEER | amaalwa | beer |
amaani | POWER | amaani | strength, power |
amaizi | TEAR (OF EYE) | amaizi | tears |
amakalagomuliro | EMBERS | amakala g'omuliro | embers |
amala | INTESTINES | amala | intestines |
amalila | TEAR (OF EYE) | amalila | tears |
amanumbuenfuma | POTATO | amanumbu enfuma | (sweet) potato |
amata | MILK | amata | milk |
amata | MILK | amata | milk |
ameizi | WATER | ameizi | water |
anga | REFUSE | anga | refuse, say no |
angira | REFUSE | angira | reject, refuse |
anika | MAKE DRY | anika | set out to dry |
anura | SCRATCH | anura | scratch, grate |
atana | BORDER | atana | be adjacent, border |
ba | BECOME | ba | be, become |
baaga | SLAUGHTER | baaga | slaughter |
baba | ITCH | baba | itch |
baziila | SEW | baziila | sew |
bi | BAD | -bi | bad |
bili | TWO | -bili | two |
binga | HUNT | binga | chase (away) |
bona | SEE | bona | see |
bonene | THEY | bonene | they |
boya | SHARP | boya | be sharp |
buhyobwente | CATTLE | buhyo bw'e nte | cattle |
bula | GET LOST | bula | get lost |
bumba | MOLD | bumba | mould (pottery) |
buta | BOW | buta | bow |
byala | SOW SEEDS | byala | plant, sow |
chukura | LOOK FOR | chukura | search diligently |
chumba | COOK (SOMETHING) | chumba | cook |
chumbagila | LAME | chumbagila | be lame |
chundwa | SHAKE | chundwa | tremble, shake |
chuuchu | DUST | chuuchu | dust, cloud of dust |
chwa | SPIT | chwa | spit |
ebaasha | LOAD | ebaasha | burden, load |
ebichwanta | SALIVA | ebichwanta | spittle |
ebihondo | MUD | ebihondo | mud, mire |
ebikya | NECK | ebikya | neck |
ebileju | BEARD | ebileju ? | beard |
ebishabo | MUD | ebishabo | mud, mire |
ebishagaatebyoomugusha | MILLET | ebishagaate by'o omugusha | stem of maize, millet |
ebishanda | FEATHER | ebishanda | feathers, fur |
ebishankulima | DIRTY | ebishankulima | filth |
ebwa | FORGET | ebwa | forget |
ebyoya | FEATHER | ebyoya | feathers, fur |
echupa | BOTTLE | echupa | bottle |
ega | LEARN | ega | learn |
egesa | TEACH | egesa | teach, instruct |
ehaamula | YAWN | ehaamula | yawn |
ehoza | BORROW | ehoza | borrow |
eibala | SPOT | eibala | spot, speckle |
eibanga | MOUNTAIN | eibanga | mountain |
eibango | HUMP | eibango | hump (of cow) |
eibuba | JEALOUSY | eibuba | jealousy |
eichumbiro | FIREPLACE | eichumbiro | fireplace, hearth, kitchen |
eigosi | TESTICLES | eigosi | testicle |
eigufa | BONE | eigufa | bone |
eigulu | ABOVE | eigulu | up, above |
eihuli | EGG | eihuli | egg |
eihwa | THORN | eihwa | thorn |
eijwi | ASH | eijwi | ashes |
eikola | WORK (LABOUR) | eikola | work |
eilaka | VOICE | eilaka | voice |
eiliho | THIRST | eiliho | thirst |
einumbu | POTATO | einumbu | (sweet) potato |
eirogo | MAGIC | eirogo | witchcraft |
eitaka | EARTH (SOIL) | eitaka | soil |
eitama | CHEEK | eitama | cheek |
eiua | FLOWER | eiua | flower |
eiziba | WELL | eiziba | well |
eizoba | SUN | eizoba | sun |
ejubulo | LEAVE | ejubulo | leave, permission |
ekibabi | LEAF | ekibabi | leaf (of tree) |
ekibira | FOREST | ekibira | forest |
ekichooli | MAIZE | ekichooli | maize |
ekichwi | CLOUD | ekichwi | cloud |
ekigagala | BRIDGE | ekigagala | bridge |
ekiganja | PALM OF HAND | ekiganja | palm (of hand) |
ekigino | JAW | ekigino | jaw (bone) |
ekigo | TOWN | ekigo | town |
ekigunju | ANIMAL | ekigunju | animal |
ekihiise | BANANA | ekihiise | banana (fruit) |
ekihulingiliire | ROUND | ekihulingiliire | be round |
ekihumi | HAWK | ekihumi | kite |
ekihuru | NEST | ekihuru | hole, nest |
Nurse, Derek and Gérard Philippson (1975). The Tanzanian Language Survey. Department of Foreign Languages and Linguistics of the University of Dar es Salaam: Dar es Salaam.