CLICS Form | Concept | Form in source | Gloss in source |
PILE UP | ? | pile up, pile loads on head | |
aale | FAR | aale | far |
aambi | NEAR | aambi | near |
aano | HERE | aano | here |
abo | THEY | abo | they |
afire | DIE | afire | die |
ahakhali | HUT | ahakhali | hut |
ahalo | STREAM | ahalo | brook, stream |
ahamosi | CALF | ahamosi | calf |
ahamwesa | RAZOR | ahamwesa | razor |
ahawe | SQUIRREL | ahawe | squirrel |
ahawemba | RAZOR | ahawemba | razor |
ahawomeraeburi | GIRL | ahawomera-eburi | virgin (bride), girl |
ahayiringiri | ANT | ahayiringiri | (small) ant |
aliaasito | PREGNANT | ali aasito | pregnancy |
aliwasito | PREGNANT | ali wasito | be pregnant |
amabaka | SHOULDER | amabaka | shoulder |
amabanga | BLOOD | amabanga | blood |
amabere | MILK | amabere | milk |
amabere | MILK | amabere | milk |
amabere | DRAW MILK | amabere | squeeze, milk |
amaberelye | MILLET | amaberelye | bullrush millet |
amachi | WATER | amachi | water |
amachuhu | LUNG | amachuhu | lung |
amadaho | BUTTOCKS | amadaho | buttock |
amadosi | MUD | amadosi | mud, mire |
amafi | DUNG (ANIMAL FAECES) | amafi | excrement, dung |
amahina | DANCE | amahina | dance |
amahwana | TWINS | amahwana | twin |
amakada | REED | amakada | reed |
amakhaluso | ANSWER | amakhaluso | answer |
amakondi | SHEEP | amakondi | sheep |
amala | INTESTINES | amala | intestines |
amalesi | MAGIC | amalesi | magic |
amalino | SHOUT | amalino | sound, cry |
amalufu | BANANA | amalufu | banana (fruit) |
amalwa | BEER | amalwa | beer |
amanda | CHARCOAL | amanda | charcoal |
amani | POWER | amani | strength, power |
amanyi | URINE | amanyi | urine |
amasango | WIRE | amasango | (brass) wire |
amasi | DUNG (ANIMAL FAECES) | amasi | excrement, dung |
amasiira | BOIL (OF SKIN) | amasiira | boil, abscess |
amasikha | TEAR (OF EYE) | amasikha | tears |
amasingo | DUNG (ANIMAL FAECES) | amasingo | excrement, dung |
amasinya | FAT (FROM ANIMALS) | amasinya | fat (of animals) |
amate | SALIVA | amate | spittle |
amaye | WAR | amaye | war |
amayika | FIREPLACE | amayika | fireplace, hearth, kitchen |
amoya | FEATHER | amoya | feathers, fur |
ayima | HUNT | ayima | hunting |
baba | FATHER | baba | father |
babamuhwe | PARENTS-IN-LAW | baba-muhwe | father-in-law, mother-in-law |
babawange | FATHER | baba wange | my father |
baha | RUB | baha | rub |
bangi | MANY | bangi | many |
beresa | GIVE | beresa | give |
beresa | DONATE | beresa | give away (present) |
biha | GATHER | biha | store up, collect |
bingi | MANY | bingi | many |
bita | SURPASS | bita | pass, surpass |
biteresa | REPAIR | biteresa | arrange, put right, repair |
bitono | FEW | bitono | a few, not much |
bona | SEE | bona | see |
bosi | ALL | bosi | all |
boya | FASTEN | boya | tie up |
bwomu | DRY | bwomu | dry |
byeffe | OUR | byeffe | our(s) |
byolana | SUIT | byolana | befit, suit |
byosi | ALL | byosi | all |
chaerwanyi | LEAVE | cha erwanyi | go out, go away |
chibiri | TWO | chibiri | two |
chidatu | THREE | chidatu | three |
chidatunachibiri | FIVE | chidatu na chibiri | five |
chinga | HOW MANY | chinga | how many? |
chinne | FOUR | chinne | four |
chitano | FIVE | chitano | five |
chitanunachibhiri | SEVEN | chitanu na chibhiri | seven |
chitanunachine | NINE | chitanu na chine | nine |
chitanunandala | SIX | chitanu na ndala | six |
chokaa | LIME (MATERIAL) | chokaa | lime, whitewash |
chuha | POUR | chuha | pour |
chuha | POUR | chuha | pour away |
chusa | CHANGE | chusa | alter, change |
chusi | DAY AFTER TOMORROW | chusi | the day after tomorrow |
chusi | DAY BEFORE YESTERDAY | chusi | the day before yesterday |
daha | WANT | daha | love, want |
deha | COOK (SOMETHING) | deha | cook |
ebakha | PYTHON | ebakha | python |
ebeka | SHOULDER | ebeka | shoulder |
ebihondo | PEG | ebihondo | peg |
ebikenga | EMBERS | ebikenga | embers |
ebikoha | GARBAGE | ebikoha | rubbish, garbage |
ebiresi | SKY | ebiresi | sky |
ebita | WAR | ebita | war |
ebitamutamu | SWEET | ebitamutamu | sweet, pleasant |
ebitono | FEW | ebitono | a few, not much |
ebiwango | PEG | ebiwango | peg |
ebwoni | POTATO | ebwoni | (sweet) potato |
ebyamo | FRUIT | ebyamo | fruit |
Nurse, Derek and Gérard Philippson (1975). The Tanzanian Language Survey. Department of Foreign Languages and Linguistics of the University of Dar es Salaam: Dar es Salaam.