CLICS Form | Concept | Form in source | Gloss in source |
aba | SPREAD OUT | aba | spread, smear on |
adua | SHOUT | adua | shout |
aka | ENTER | aka | go in, come in |
akua | BORROW | akua | lend, borrow |
ala | ARRANGE | ala | arrange, put in order |
ala | THERE | ala | there |
ala | SPREAD OUT | ala | spread |
alua | TURN | alua | turn upside down, turn over |
alualua | STIR | alu-alua | stir |
anru | PLACE (POSITION) | anru | place |
arua | CHANGE | arua | alter, change |
aruka | CHANGE | aruka | turn round, change |
aruta | CHANGE | aruta | alter, change |
aruta | TURN | aruta | turn upside down, turn over |
asuma | RAINY SEASON | asuma | rainy season |
ava | DIVIDE | ava | divide |
ayia | SWEEP | ayia | sweep |
baanga | ROCK | baanga | rock |
bafu | CHEST | bafu | chest |
bafu | LUNG | bafu | lung |
bafu | RIB | bafu | rib |
baka | CAT | baka | cat |
banri | FAT (FROM ANIMALS) | -banri | fat (of animals) |
batu | TOBACCO | batu | tobacco |
beo | COMMON COLD (DISEASE) | beo | cold |
beu | SEED | beu | seed |
biiri | RIPE | biiri | ripe |
bikira | GIRL | bikira | virgin (bride), girl |
bohio | DREAM | bohio | dream |
bolo | TESTICLES | bolo | testicle |
boni | AFFAIR | boni | affair |
boo | CARRY | boo | carry |
boo | BUFFALO | boo | buffalo |
bua | NOSE | bua | nose |
buku | DOVE | buku | (red-eyed) dove |
buru | GOAT | buru | goat |
bustani | GARDEN | bustani | garden |
da | LOUSE | da | louse |
dala | FENCE | dala | fence, enclosure |
desi | TOMORROW | desi | tomorrow |
deye | FATHER | deye | father |
deye | BIRD | deye | bird |
deyeakw | FATHER | deye akw# | my father |
doka | BITTER | -doka | bitter |
duda | GRAIN | duda | grain |
dwari | DISEASE | dwari | (crippling) illness |
eda | LEAVE | eda | go out, go away |
enengia | GIVE | enengia | give |
fa | DIE | fa | die |
faangu | FEW | faangu | a few, not much |
faka | SHIT (DEFECATE) | faka | defecate |
farasi | HORSE | farasi | horse |
fifina | STRAIN | fifina | filter, strain |
fiha | WAR | fiha | war |
fihahu | THREE | fihahu | three |
fihanu | FIVE | fihanu | five |
fiingi | MANY | fiingi | many |
fika | ARRIVE | fika | arrive |
fine | FOUR | fine | four |
finika | COVER | finika | cover (up) |
finya | POWER | finya | strength, power |
fio | KIDNEY | fio | kidney |
firidahu | SIX | firidahu | six |
fisa | HIDE (CONCEAL) | fisa | hide |
fivaro | FLOWER | fivaro | flower |
fua | RAINING OR RAIN | fua | rain |
fuailikava | RAINING OR RAIN | fua ilikava | rain |
fui | SHORT | -fui | short |
funua | UNCOVER | funua | uncover, reveal |
haamuha | DRAW (WATER) | haa muha | draw (water from well) |
habikia | DONATE | habikia | give away (present) |
haroroharoso | CRICKET | haroro # haroso # | cricket |
hehema | SHAKE | hehema | tremble, shake |
heka | DISAPPEAR | heka | fade, disappear |
hekwa | FORGET | hekwa | forget |
hema | DIG | hema | dig |
heuka | JEALOUSY | heuka | jealousy |
hukana | SCATTER (SEEDS) | hukana | spread, scatter |
huo | SLEEP | huo | sleep |
huya | SEE | huya | see |
iba | SING | iba | sing |
ibakasi | SLAVE | ibakasi | slave, bondservant |
ibara | SPOT | ibara | spot, speckle |
ibarwe | HYENA | ibarwe | hyena |
ibata | DUCK | ibata | duck |
ibiri | SPIDER | ibiri | spider |
ibiria | SWEEP | ibiria | sweep up, collect in a heap (r |
ibuhu | LEAF | ibuhu | leaf (of tree) |
ibwashi | MUD | ibwashi | mud, mire |
idaraja | BRIDGE | idaraja | bridge |
ifa | DIE | ifa | die |
ifama | PISS | ifama | urinate |
ifie | BABOON | ifie | baboon, ape |
ifili | HAIR | ifili | hair |
ifinga | TIE | ifinga | tie (=fasten) |
ifingakwakamb | FASTEN | ifinga kwa kamb# | tie up |
ifisi | ANIMAL | ifisi | animal |
ifu | ASH | ifu | ashes |
ifua | BONE | ifua | bone |
ifualamung | SPINE | ifua la mung# | backbone |
Nurse, Derek and Gérard Philippson (1975). The Tanzanian Language Survey. Department of Foreign Languages and Linguistics of the University of Dar es Salaam: Dar es Salaam.