CLICS Form | Concept | Form in source | Gloss in source |
aepo | MOUTH | aepo | mouth |
agomuraq | EYE | agomuraq | eye |
aipa | TOOTH | aipa | tooth |
airave | LEAF | airave | leaf |
aisa | LEG | aisa | leg |
aisa | FOOT | aisa | foot |
aisi | HE OR SHE OR IT | aisi | he, she, it (pronoun d:3s) |
aizani | HAND | aizani | hand |
aizaninapa | THUMB | aizani napa | thumb |
aizaniomuvave | ELBOW | aizani omuvave | elbow |
akonive | LIE DOWN | akonive | to lie down |
akonove | SLEEP | akonove | to sleep |
ameka | BACK | ameka | back |
ameraho | FATHER | ameraho | father |
amina | BREAST | amina | breast |
amitaq | KNIFE | amitaq | knife |
anigave | SEE | anigave | to see |
anupa | BLACK | anupa | black |
aoka | MOUNTAIN | aoka | mountain |
aokaq | NOSE | aokaq | nose |
aozaq | TOMORROW | aozaq | tomorrow |
aperehirive | KILL | apere hirive | to kill |
arinipa | SHORT | arinipa | short |
asave | TAIL | asave | tail |
ata | EAR | ata | ear |
atarokonovive | FLY (MOVE THROUGH AIR) | ataroko novive | to fly |
aupe | SKIN | aupe | skin |
eahoq | WHO | eahoq | who? |
gahamaakohi | BITE | gahama-akohi | to bite |
gahasokoroni | RAT | gaha-sokoroni | rat |
gahosi | STICK | gahosi | stick |
gapo | PATH OR ROAD | gapo | road/path |
gapononive | WALK | gapo-nonive | to walk |
gara | DOG | gara- | dog |
garupava | BARK | garupava | bark |
gatana | SHOULDER | gatana | shoulder |
gatuna | BELLY | gatuna | belly |
gauvara | HORN (ANATOMY) | gauvara | horn |
gavoza | FAT (ORGANIC SUBSTANCE) | gavoza | fat |
gehanagami | COLD | geha-nagami | cold |
gehani | STONE | gehani | stone |
gena | HEAVY | gena | heavy |
genaamiq | LIGHT (RADIATION) | gena-amiq | light |
genezara | TONGUE | genezara | tongue |
getanive | SAND | getanive | sand |
gihisigo | GREEN | gihisigo | green |
gipaq | BOY | gipaq | boy |
girive | HEAR | girive | to hear |
gizanoive | LAUGH | giza noive | to laugh |
gizara | FROG | gizara | frog |
gizasive | BANANA | gizasive | banana |
gizupa | WALLABY | gizupa | wallaby |
goizeve | SWEET POTATO | goizeve | sweet potato |
golihiq | FOREHEAD | golihiq | forehead |
golihiq | HEAD | golihiq | head |
gomohora | HEART | gomohora | heart |
gorani | BLOOD | gorani | blood |
goresa | BAD | goresa | bad |
gorini | RAINING OR RAIN | gorini | rain |
goroha | RED | goroha | red |
gosihaq | SNAKE | gosihaq | snake |
gozapaneta | OLD | gozapa neta | old |
guhizakoq | YELLOW | guhizakoq | yellow |
gunahaogave | DRY | gunaha ogave | dry |
gurizaka | NAME | gurizaka | name |
gutunorive | COUGH | gutu-norive | to cough |
hamokove | ONE | hamokove | one |
hanahana | LONG | hana-hana | long |
hepeq | WIND | hepeq | wind |
herisa | BONE | herisa | bone |
hipira | LIVER | hipira | liver |
hoqve | SUN | hoqve | sun |
horihave | FLYING FOX | horihave | flying fox |
horokena | WING | horokena | wing |
horukave | NIGHT | horukave | night |
houma | ROUND | houma | round |
ikanive | MOON | ikanive | moon |
imane | THIS | imane | this |
isarokaneve | WHERE | isaroka neve | where? |
itinasaneta | NEW | itinasa neta | new |
iza | PIG | iza | pig |
izeraho | MOTHER | izeraho | mother |
keisi | THEY | keisi | they (pronoun d:3p) |
komaq | SMALL | komaq | small |
laha | FISH | laha | fish |
lanive | ASH | lanive | ashes |
leisi | WE TWO (EXCLUSIVE) | leisi | we excl. dual (pronoun d:1p, excl, dual) |
leisive | WE TWO (EXCLUSIVE) | leisive | we excl. plural (pronoun d:1p, excl, plural) |
lekerisi | YOU | lekerisi | you pl. (pronoun d:2p) |
limusi | CLOUD | limusi | cloud |
lizanilosiasuigo | TEN | lizani-losi-asuigo | ten |
lokira | SMOKE (EXHAUST) | lokira | smoke |
loqronoive | BURN | loq ronoive | to burn |
loqve | FIRE | loqve | fire |
losilosihamoq | FIVE | losi-losi-hamoq | five |
losivelosive | FOUR | losive-losive | four |
losivemakove | THREE | losive makove | three |
lunive | AXE | lunive | axe (stone) |
luvanaq | NECK | luvanaq | neck |
masi | TARO | masi | taro |
Greenhill, Simon J. (2015): An Online Database of New Guinea Languages. PLoS ONE 10.10: e0141563.