CLICS Form | Concept | Form in source | Gloss in source |
abija | BEE | abija | the bee |
abina | OAT | abina | the oats |
abyun | AIRPLANE | abyun | the airplane |
achiklla | CLEAN | achiklla | clean |
achka1 | MANY | achka (1) | many |
achka2 | ENOUGH | achka (2) | enough |
achkajinti | CROWD | achka jinti | the crowd |
adibinana | GUESS | adibinana | to guess |
adubi | ADOBE | adubi | the adobe |
afilanarumi | WHETSTONE | afilana rumi | the whetstone |
ajustana | PRESS | ajustana | to press |
akcha | HAIR (HEAD) | akcha | the hair |
akllana1 | CHOOSE | akllana (1) | to choose |
akllana2 | ELECTION | akllana (2) | the election |
akuna | CHEW | akuna | to chew |
alakran | SCORPION | alakrán | the scorpion |
alas | FEATHER | alas | the feather |
alas | WING | alas | the wing |
albanil | MASON | albañil | the mason |
algudun | COTTON | algudun | the cotton |
ali | GOOD | ali | good |
ali | CORRECT (RIGHT) | ali | right(2) |
aliladu | RIGHT | ali ladu | right(1) |
alimanda | SLOW | alimanda | slow |
alishungu | FAITHFUL | ali shungu | faithful |
aliwasha | GOOD LUCK | ali washa | the good luck |
aliwillay | TRUE | ali willay | true |
aliyana | CURE | aliyana | to cure |
alkilana | HIRE | alkilana | to hire |
allana | DIG | allana | to dig |
allanakaspi | DIGGING STICK | allana kaspi | the digging stick (=yamstick) |
allchi | GRANDCHILD | allchi | the grandchild |
allichina | KEEP | allichina | to keep |
allichina | PRESERVE | allichina | to preserve |
allikawsay | HEALTHY | alli kawsay | healthy |
allku | DOG | allku | the dog |
allpa | EARTH (SOIL) | allpa | the soil |
allpa | FLOOR | allpa | the floor |
allpa | LAND | allpa | the land |
allpachukchuy | EARTHQUAKE | allpa chukchuy | the earthquake |
allpajaku | DUST | allpa jaku | the dust |
alma | SOUL | alma | the soul or spirit |
almanaki | CALENDAR | almanaki | the calendar |
almuza | LUNCH | almuza | the lunch |
altar | ALTAR | altar | the altar |
amfana | YAWN | amfana | to yawn |
amsa1 | OBSCURE | amsa (1) | obscure |
amsa2 | DARKNESS | amsa (2) | the darkness |
amu | MASTER | amu | the master |
amuklla | SMOOTH | amuklla | smooth |
amuklla | SOFT | amuklla | soft |
anaku1 | DRESS | anaku (1) | the (woman's) dress |
anaku2 | SKIRT | anaku (2) | the skirt |
ananku | ANT | añanku | the ant |
ananku | TERMITE | añanku | the termites |
anara | SPIDER | añara | the spider |
anas | FOX | añas | the fox |
anchu | WIDE | anchu | wide |
anga1 | EAGLE | anga (1) | the eagle |
anga2 | HAWK | anga (2) | the hawk |
angu1 | TENDON | angu (1) | the sinew or tendon |
angu2 | VINE | angu (2) | the vine |
animal | ANIMAL | animal | the animal |
anku | BLOOD VESSEL | anku | the vein or artery |
antyujus | SPECTACLES | antyujus | the spectacles/glasses |
apamuna | BRING | apamuna | to bring |
apana1 | CARRY IN HAND | apana (1) | to carry in hand |
apana1 | CARRY | apana (1) | to carry |
apana2 | RULE | apana (2) | to rule or govern |
apuk | QUEEN | apuk | the queen |
apuk | KING | apuk | the king |
apuk | CHIEFTAIN | apuk | the chieftain |
apunchik | DEITY | apunchik | the god |
ardilla | SQUIRREL | ardilla | the squirrel |
ari | YES | ari | yes |
arinina | ADMIT | ari nina | to admit |
arku | ARCH | arku | the arch |
armadura | ARMOUR | armadura | the armour |
armarina | BATHE | armarina | to bathe |
arrusa | RICE | arrusa | the rice |
aru | PEG | aru | the peg |
asha | FEW | asha | few |
ashalla | SHALLOW | ashalla | shallow |
ashnajuk | STINKING | ashnajuk | stinking |
ashtawan | MORE | ashtawan | more |
asina | LAUGH | asina | to laugh |
asirina | SMILE | asirina | to smile |
asituna | OLIVE | asituna | the olive |
asiyti | OIL (ORGANIC SUBSTANCE) | asiyti | the oil |
aspina | SCRATCH | aspina | to scratch |
aspina | SCRAPE | aspina | to scrape |
asua | ALCOHOL (FERMENTED DRINK) | asua | the fermented drink |
asul | BLUE | asul | blue |
aswila | ADZE | aswila | the adze |
atallpa | HEN | atallpa | the hen |
atallpa | FOWL | atallpa | the fowl |
atribina | DARE | atribina | to dare |
atsiana | SNEEZE | atsiana | to sneeze |
atuk | WOLF | atuk | the wolf |
auka | SOLDIER | auka | the soldier |
Haspelmath, Martin & Tadmor, Uri (eds.) 2009. World Loanword Database. Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. (Available online at