Colexifications for "CONCEIVE" and "BEGET"

Language Family Form for CONCEIVE Gloss for CONCEIVE Form for BEGET Gloss for BEGET
Swedish Indo-European avla conceive avla beget (of father)
Basque Basque hau'r-egin conceive hau'r egin beget (of father)
Embera Chocoan o'ar̃a-ba'ra conceive o'ar̃a-ba'ra- beget (of father)
Chiriguano Tupian -mo-ɲe-mõɲa conceive -mo-ɲe-mõɲa beget (of father)
Kaingáng Nuclear-Macro-Je kuΦɨŋ conceive kuΦɨŋ beget (of father)
Yagán Yámana tuku conceive tuku beget (of father)
Yagán Yámana tuku-kayola conceive tuku-kayola beget (of father)
Imbabura Quechua Quechuan wawachina to conceive wawachina to beget