Colexifications for "SPEECH" and "VOICE"

Language Family Form for SPEECH Gloss for SPEECH Form for VOICE Gloss for VOICE
Maori Austronesian reo speech (make a) reo voice
Wapishana Arawakan pʰarada-n speech (make a) -pʰarada-n voice
Cashibo Pano-Tacanan βana speech (make a) βana voice
Konyak Sino-Tibetan ngao speech ngao voice
Tibetan (Written) Sino-Tibetan skad speech skad voice
Gawwada Afro-Asiatic torre the speech torre the voice
Hup Nadahup ʔɨ́d the speech ʔɨ́d the voice
Manange Sino-Tibetan 1kje the speech 1kje the voice