Colexifications for "BROTHER" and "OLDER SISTER"

Language Family Form for BROTHER Gloss for BROTHER Form for OLDER SISTER Gloss for OLDER SISTER
Chatino (Zacatepec variety) Otomanguean taʔa brother taʔa older sister
Maori Austronesian tuakana brother tuakana older sister
Aguaruna Chicham yac̷u-g brother yac̷u-g older sister
Kalamang West Bomberai dun+ brother dun+ older sister
Kalamang West Bomberai kia+ brother kia+ older sister
Kedang, Leubatang Austronesian aʔe brother aʔe older sister
Adonara Lamaholot Austronesian ʔariʔ brother ʔariʔ older sister
Adonara Lamaholot Austronesian kaka brother kaka older sister
Ile Mandiri Lamaholot, Lewoingu Austronesian aʔe brother aʔe older sister
Hawaiian Austronesian kaikua`ana the brother kaikua`ana the older sister
Malagasy Austronesian zòky the brother zòky the older sister
Swahili Atlantic-Congo mkubwa the brother mkubwa the older sister
Swahili Atlantic-Congo ndugu the brother ndugu the older sister
Takia Austronesian tei- the brother tei- the older sister