Colexifications for "BROTHER" and "YOUNGER SISTER"

Language Family Form for BROTHER Gloss for BROTHER Form for YOUNGER SISTER Gloss for YOUNGER SISTER
Maori Austronesian teina brother teina younger sister
Trinitario Arawakan -ati brother ati younger sister
Chácobo Pano-Tacanan noma brother noma younger sister
Mundurukú Tupian kipit brother kipit younger sister
Tehuelche Chonan 'gō brother 'gō younger sister
Mang Ch Austroasiatic jiam.35 brother jiam.35 younger sister
Hawaiian Austronesian kaikaina the brother kaikaina the younger sister
Malagasy Austronesian zàndry the brother zàndry the younger sister
Swahili Atlantic-Congo mdogo the brother mdogo the younger sister
Swahili Atlantic-Congo ndugu the brother ndugu the younger sister
Takia Austronesian tei- the brother tei- the younger sister