Colexifications for "SISTER" and "YOUNGER SISTER"

Language Family Form for SISTER Gloss for SISTER Form for YOUNGER SISTER Gloss for YOUNGER SISTER
Mari Uralic šü'žar̃ sister šü'žar̃ younger sister
Udmurt Uralic suzer̃ sister suzer̃ younger sister
Polci Afro-Asiatic waas sister waas younger sister
Maori Austronesian teina sister teina younger sister
Trinitario Arawakan -ati sister ati younger sister
Cavineña Pano-Tacanan e-hana-ke sister e-hana-ke younger sister
Tehuelche Chonan 'gō sister 'gō younger sister
Jinsha Dai Hmong-Mien nuaŋ.43 ńiŋ.44 sister nuaŋ.43 ńiŋ.44 younger sister
Shan (Northern Shan dialect) Tai-Kadai nɔŋ.5 jiŋ.1 sister nɔŋ.5 jiŋ.1 younger sister
Khasi Austroasiatic para-kynthei sister para-kynthei younger sister
Mahasu Pahari (Kotghari dialect) Indo-European bɛ̄ɳ sister bɛ̄ɳ younger sister
Nepali Indo-European bahini sister bahinī younger sister
Nogai Turkic карындас sister карындас younger sister
Nogai Turkic синъли sister синъли younger sister
Chong Austroasiatic bo:t.A kəlɛ:ŋ.C sister bo:t.A kəlɛ:ŋ.C younger sister
Dutch Indo-European zus(ter) the sister zus(ter) the younger sister
Hawaiian Austronesian kaikaina the sister kaikaina the younger sister
Malagasy Austronesian zàndry the sister zàndry the younger sister
Romanian Indo-European soră the sister soră the younger sister
Swahili Atlantic-Congo mdogo the sister mdogo the younger sister
Swahili Atlantic-Congo ndugu the sister ndugu the younger sister
Takia Austronesian tei- the sister tei- the younger sister
Thai Tai-Kadai nɔ́ɔŋsǎaw the sister nɔ́ɔŋsǎaw the younger sister