Colexifications for "KNOW (SOMETHING)" and "THINK (BELIEVE)"

Language Family Form for KNOW (SOMETHING) Gloss for KNOW (SOMETHING) Form for THINK (BELIEVE) Gloss for THINK (BELIEVE)
Cofán Cofán ĩʔhaɲe know ĩʔhaɲe think (= be of the opinion)
Araona Pano-Tacanan ba know ba think (= be of the opinion)
Dargwa (Chirag dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian гьабахи know гьабахи think (= be of the opinion)
Hup Nadahup hipãh- to know hipãh- to think(2)
Iraqw Afro-Asiatic xuu' to know xuu' to think(2)
Selice Romani Indo-European džanen to know džanen to think(2)