Colexifications for "GIVE" and "TAKE"

Language Family Form for GIVE Gloss for GIVE Form for TAKE Gloss for TAKE
Northern Haida Haida istáa give istáa take
Qau Kelao Tai-Kadai ta.35 give ta.35 take
Kalaallisut Eskimo-Aleut pivɔq give pivɔq take
Isabi Nuclear Trans New Guinea -me- to give me- to take
Jilim Nuclear Trans New Guinea ti- to give ti- to take
Kesawai Nuclear Trans New Guinea te- to give te- to take
Mawak Nuclear Trans New Guinea -w- to give w- to take
Migum Nuclear Trans New Guinea ta- to give ta- to take
Proto-Croisilles Nuclear Trans New Guinea *re- to give *re- to take
Rerau Nuclear Trans New Guinea ti- to give ti- to take
Sinsauru Nuclear Trans New Guinea lɛ- to give le- to take
Siroi Nuclear Trans New Guinea ta- to give ta- to take
Sumau Nuclear Trans New Guinea ti- to give ti- to take
Yangulam Nuclear Trans New Guinea t- to give t- to take
isabi Nuclear Trans New Guinea -me- give me- take
jilim Nuclear Trans New Guinea ti- give ti- take
kesawai Nuclear Trans New Guinea te- give te- take
mawak Nuclear Trans New Guinea -w- give w- take
migum Nuclear Trans New Guinea ta- give ta- take
rerau Nuclear Trans New Guinea ti- give ti- take
sinsauru Nuclear Trans New Guinea lɛ- give le- take
siroi Nuclear Trans New Guinea ta- give ta- take
sumau Nuclear Trans New Guinea ti- give ti- take
yangulam Nuclear Trans New Guinea t- give t- take