Language | Family | Form for SOUTH | Gloss for SOUTH | Form for NORTH | Gloss for NORTH |
Yorta Yorta | Pama-Nyungan | gowa | south | gowa | north |
Chatino (Zacatepec variety) | Otomanguean | nde hiʔni | south | nde hiʔni | north |
Puinave | Puinave | ha-ko-ko-ye | south | ha-ko-ko-ye | north |
Waorani | Waorani | be-ta-bõka | south | be-ta-bõka | north |
Wapishana | Arawakan | wadaˀbaʔikʰi | south | wadaˀbaʔikʰi | north |
Kaingáng | Nuclear-Macro-Je | rã krɛ̃Φĩn | south | rã krɛ̃Φĩn | north |
Tindi | Nakh-Daghestanian | къилма | south | къилма | north |
Kha Poong | Austroasiatic | ba.33 kha:ŋ.33ʔ mat.13 ko:l.33 | south | ba.33 kha:ŋ.33ʔ mat.13 ko:l.33 | north |
Banana (Mouseye) | Afro-Asiatic | bayawi | south | bayawi | north |
Cibak | Afro-Asiatic | tubwɔ̀ yala | south | tubwɔ̀ yàla | north |
Fali Gili | Afro-Asiatic | tàrku | south | tàrku | north |
Fali Jilbu | Afro-Asiatic | gə̀yì̵gə̀yì̵kũ | south | gə̀yì̵gə̀yì̵kũ | north |
Fali Mucella | Afro-Asiatic | ɗùbè | south | ɗùbè | north |
Gələvda | Afro-Asiatic | ðì̵mbὺləksà | south | ðì̵mbὺləksà | north |
Lame | Atlantic-Congo | vúndàmíà | south | vúndàmíà | north |
Jingpho | Sino-Tibetan | ndade | south | ndade | north |
Zinacantán Tzotzil | Mayan | shokon vinahel | the south | shokon vinahel | the north |
This edge appears in cluster
and subgraphs