Colexifications for "EXPLAIN" and "TELL"

Language Family Form for EXPLAIN Gloss for EXPLAIN Form for TELL Gloss for TELL
Komi Uralic visʸtavnɩ explain visʸtavnɩ tell story
Ancient Greek Indo-European eksē'geomai explain eksē'geomai tell story
Macushi Cariban ekaremekɨ explain ekaremekɨ tell story
Old High German Indo-European gisagēn explain gisagēn tell story
Old High German Indo-European gi-zellen explain gizellen tell story
Old High German Indo-European quedan explain quedan tell story
Chatino (Zacatepec variety) Otomanguean kic̷aʔ explain kic̷aʔ tell story
Yuwana Jodi-Saliban ũtɨ ʰtɨ explain ũtɨ ʰtɨ tell story
Waorani Waorani ' ã-te apæ̃-de explain ' ã-te apæ̃-de tell story
Goajiro Arawakan akɨhaa explain akɨhaa tell story
Waurá Arawakan ĩyãka explain ĩyãka tell story
Tibetan Sino-Tibetan bśad explain bśad tell story
Tibetan Sino-Tibetan śod explain śod tell story
Kali'na Cariban ekalitɨ to explain ekalitɨ to tell
Ket Yeniseian kìj to explain kìj to tell