Colexifications for "NIECE" and "COUSIN"

Language Family Form for NIECE Gloss for NIECE Form for COUSIN Gloss for COUSIN
Mansi Uralic eŋk niece eŋk cousin
Mansi Uralic esʸ niece esʸ cousin
Dutch Indo-European nicht niece nicht cousin
Cofán Cofán keʔtʰe niece keʔtʰe cousin
Siona Tucanoan wiʔya-kˀo niece wiʔya-kˀo cousin
Ignaciano Arawakan -čehi niece -čehi cousin
Araona Pano-Tacanan wawa niece wawa cousin
Dutch Indo-European nicht the niece nicht the cousin
Sakha Turkic balɨs the niece balɨs the cousin
Swahili Atlantic-Congo mpwa the niece mpwa the cousin
Tarifiyt Berber Afro-Asiatic ŧayyawŧ the niece ŧayyawŧ the cousin