Colexifications for "JUG" and "POT"

Language Family Form for JUG Gloss for JUG Form for POT Gloss for POT
Old High German Indo-European faz pitcher, jug faz pot, cooking vessel
Tocharian A Indo-European kunti pitcher, jug kunti pot, cooking vessel
Tocharian B Indo-European lwāke pitcher, jug lwāke pot, cooking vessel
Sanskrit Indo-European kumbha- pitcher, jug kumbha- pot, cooking vessel
Romani Indo-European piri pitcher, jug piri pot, cooking vessel
Zuni Zuni te- pitcher, jug te- pot, cooking vessel
Cofán Cofán api pitcher, jug api pot, cooking vessel
Cofán Cofán kãdero pitcher, jug kãdero pot, cooking vessel
Sirionó Tupian ɲio pitcher, jug ɲĩõ pot, cooking vessel
Kaingáng Nuclear-Macro-Je kukrũ pitcher, jug kukrũ pot, cooking vessel
Ossetic Indo-European хъуырау pitcher, jug хъуырау pot, cooking vessel
Dargwa (Gapshima dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian хъаба pitcher, jug хъаба pot, cooking vessel
Kumyk (Dorgeli dialect) Turkic къуман pitcher, jug къуман pot, cooking vessel
Wichí Matacoan tuwej the jug/pitcher tuwej the pot
Yaqui Uto-Aztecan soto’i the jug/pitcher soto’i the pot
Zinacantán Tzotzil Mayan rosa the jug/pitcher rosa the pot