Colexifications for "NEEDLE TREE" and "NEEDLE (FOR SEWING)"

Language Family Form for NEEDLE TREE Gloss for NEEDLE TREE Form for NEEDLE (FOR SEWING) Gloss for NEEDLE (FOR SEWING)
Archi Nakh-Daghestanian tekɬ’on the needle(2) t'ekɬ'on the needle(1)
Dutch Indo-European naald the needle(2) naald the needle(1)
English Indo-European needle the needle(2) needle the needle(1)
Mandarin Chinese Sino-Tibetan zhen1 (1) the needle(2) zhen1 (1) the needle(1)
Old High German Indo-European nâdala the needle(2) nâdala the needle(1)
Otomi Otomanguean ‘yofni the needle(2) 'yofni the needle(1)
Romanian Indo-European ac the needle(2) ac the needle(1)
Seychelles Creole Indo-European zegwiy the needle(2) zegwiy the needle(1)