Colexifications for "VINE" and "GRAPE"

Language Family Form for VINE Gloss for VINE Form for GRAPE Gloss for GRAPE
Erzya Mordvin Uralic vinogr̃ad vine vinogr̃ad grape
Hungarian Uralic szőlő vine szőlő grape
Komi Uralic vinogr̃ad vine vinogr̃ad grape
Mari Uralic βino'ɣr̃að vine βino'ɣr̃að grape
Udmurt Uralic vinogr̃ad vine vinogr̃ad grape
Sanskrit Indo-European drākṣā- vine drākṣā- grape
Telugu Dravidian draakSa vine draakSa grape
Nogai Turkic йузим vine йузим grape
Hausa Afro-Asiatic ínàbíi the vine ínàbíi the grape
Malagasy Austronesian voalòboka the vine voalòboka the grape
Otomi Otomanguean uba the vine uba the grape
Selice Romani Indo-European sélló, séllóva the vine sélló, séllóva the grape