Colexifications for "POUND" and "GRIND"

Language Family Form for POUND Gloss for POUND Form for GRIND Gloss for GRIND
Irish Indo-European brúigh pound with fist brúigh crush, grind
Negerhollands Indo-European stam pound with fist stam crush, grind
Nahuatl (Sierra de Zacapoaxtla variety) Uto-Aztecan ki-kʷečo-a pound with fist ki-kʷečo-a crush, grind
Siona Tucanoan paõhi pound with fist paõhi crush, grind
Guaraní Tupian ǰoso pound with fist ǰoso crush, grind
Kumyk Turkic тюймек pound with fist тюймек crush, grind
Gusii Atlantic-Congo koora pound (grain in a mortar to ge koora grind (grain with a millstone)
Kimbu Atlantic-Congo uxu- pound (grain in a mortar to ge uxu- grind (grain with a millstone)
Meruimenti Atlantic-Congo kuthia pound (grain in a mortar to ge kuthia grind (grain with a millstone)