Colexifications for "PICK UP" and "CATCH"

Language Family Form for PICK UP Gloss for PICK UP Form for CATCH Gloss for CATCH
Colorado Barbacoan ka-no pick up ka-no catch (ball)
Yagua Peba-Yagua hũri pick up hũri catch (ball)
Kaingáng Nuclear-Macro-Je to wɛrn ke pick up to wern ke catch (ball)
Mapudungun Araucanian pick up catch (ball)
Portuguese Indo-European ɐpɐˈɲar pick up ɐpɐˈɲar catch
Xumi Sino-Tibetan lɛ⁵⁵ʑɛ³³ pick up lɛ⁵⁵ʑɛ³³ catch