Colexifications for "GOURD" and "BOWL"

Language Family Form for GOURD Gloss for GOURD Form for BOWL Gloss for BOWL
Panare Cariban maraʔ gourd maraʔ bowl
Wai Wai Cariban tutum gourd tutum bowl
Nahuatl (Sierra de Zacapoaxtla variety) Uto-Aztecan šikal gourd šikal bowl
Hawaiian Austronesian ipu gourd ipu bowl
Hawaiian Austronesian ʔumeke gourd ʔumeke bowl
Waorani Waorani owæ-ta gourd owæ-ta bowl
Nogai Turkic кабак gourd кабак bowl
Gawwada Afro-Asiatic šullo the gourd šullo the bowl
Hup Nadahup b’ɔ̌ʔ the gourd b’ɔ̌ʔ the bowl