Colexifications for "HIDE (CONCEAL)" and "BURY"

Language Family Form for HIDE (CONCEAL) Gloss for HIDE (CONCEAL) Form for BURY Gloss for BURY
Mari Uralic to'yaš hide, conceal to'yaš bury (the dead)
Nenets Uralic sʸur̃pasʸ hide, conceal sʸur̃pasʸ bury (the dead)
Udmurt Uralic vatɩnɩ hide, conceal vatɩnɩ bury (the dead)
Old High German Indo-European bi-felahan hide, conceal bi-felahan bury (the dead)
Old High German Indo-European bi-graban hide, conceal bi-graban bury (the dead)
Karok Karok -ʔíšunβa hide, conceal -ʔíšunβa bury (the dead)
Cofán Cofán aʔtɨye hide, conceal aʔtɨye bury (the dead)
Aymara Aymaran imanta-ɲa hide, conceal imanta-ɲa bury (the dead)
Hunzib Nakh-Daghestanian мыхъəла hide, conceal мыхъəла bury (the dead)
Tibetan Sino-Tibetan skuṅ hide, conceal skuṅ bury (the dead)
Rembong Austronesian boneʔ hide boneʔ bury
Idu Sino-Tibetan mu⁵⁵ hide mu⁵⁵ bury (something)
Tibetan (Written) Sino-Tibetan sbed hide sbed bury (something)
Keni.unn Atlantic-Congo irika hide irika bury
Kimbunga Atlantic-Congo ku hide ku bury
Mkuu Atlantic-Congo r*ika hide r*ika bury
Vunjo Atlantic-Congo ir*ika hide ir*ika bury
Otomi Otomanguean ägi to hide 'a̲gi to bury
Q'eqchi' Mayan muquk to hide muquk to bury