Colexifications for "HORSE" and "MARE"

Language Family Form for HORSE Gloss for HORSE Form for MARE Gloss for MARE
Ancient Greek Indo-European 'hippos horse (equine) 'hippos mare
Old Norse Indo-European hross horse (equine) hross mare
Sanskrit Indo-European ašva- horse (equine) ašvā- mare
Avestan Indo-European aspa- horse (equine) aspā- mare
Ancient Aramaic Afro-Asiatic sūsyā horse (equine) sūsyā mare
Yuwana Jodi-Saliban ʰkabayo horse (equine) ʰkabayo mare
Avar (Hid dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian чо horse (equine) чо mare
Chorote Matacoan alenta horse (equine) alenta mare
Avar (Karakh dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian чу horse (equine) чу mare
Toba Guaicuruan kaayo horse (equine) kaayo mare
Yagán Yámana xarse horse (equine) xarse mare
Hinuq Nakh-Daghestanian шегве horse (equine) шегве mare
Dargwa (Usisha dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian урчи horse (equine) урчи mare
Tabasaran (Northern dialect Khanag subdialect) Nakh-Daghestanian хар horse (equine) хар mare
Hup Nadahup kawádu the horse kawádu the mare
Saramaccan Indo-European hási the horse hási the mare
Takia Austronesian wos the horse wos the mare