Colexifications for "SIDE" and "WALL (OF HOUSE)"

Language Family Form for SIDE Gloss for SIDE Form for WALL (OF HOUSE) Gloss for WALL (OF HOUSE)
Tocharian A Indo-European poṣi side poṣi wall
Tocharian B Indo-European poṣiya side poṣiya wall
Seri Seri -ʔīšk side īšk wall
Bella Coola Salishan -als side -als wall
Hawaiian Austronesian paia side paia wall
Dargwa (Mugi dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian бяхІ side бяхІ wall
Malieng Austroasiatic the:m.33 side the:m.33 wall
Saramaccan Indo-European bandja the side bandja the wall
Zinacantán Tzotzil Mayan 7ibel the side 7ibel the wall