Colexifications for "CATCH" and "HUNT"

Language Family Form for CATCH Gloss for CATCH Form for HUNT Gloss for HUNT
Aymara Aymaran katu-ɲa catch (ball) katu-ɲa hunt
Croatian Indo-European lɔ̌ʋiti catch lɔ̌ʋiti hunt
Moksha Uralic kundaˑms catch kundaˑms hunt
Erzya Uralic kundams catch kundams hunt
Northern Sami Uralic pivtih catch pivtih hunt
Imbabura Quechua Quechuan japina (1) to catch japina (1) to hunt
Mapudungun Araucanian nün to catch nün to hunt
Otomi Otomanguean ju to catch ju to hunt