Colexifications for "CURSE" and "SCOLD"

Language Family Form for CURSE Gloss for CURSE Form for SCOLD Gloss for SCOLD
Old High German Indo-European fluohhēn curse fluohhēn rebuke, scold
Wapishana Arawakan dakʰuwaɨtʰapʰa-n curse dakʰuwaɨtʰapʰa-n rebuke, scold
Kaingáng Nuclear-Macro-Je ΦɛΦɛn curse ΦɛΦɛn rebuke, scold
Ossetic Indo-European æлгъитын curse æлгъитын rebuke, scold
Nung-Fengshan Tai-Kadai hut.5 curse hut.5 rebuke, scold
Southern Kam Tai-Kadai ćot.323 curse ćot.323 rebuke, scold
Telugu Dravidian ceDanaaDu curse ceDanaaDu rebuke, scold
Judeo-Tat Indo-European нифри сохде curse нифри сохде rebuke, scold
Bulang-3 Austroasiatic cha.13 curse c̣ha.13 rebuke, scold
Kha Poong Austroasiatic bo:j.33 curse bo:j.33 rebuke, scold
Indonesian Austronesian mencaci-maki to curse mencaci-maki to scold
Kildin Saami Uralic oarrhtе to curse oarrhte to scold